Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 21, 2016: Continuing on Vertical Stabilizer

The replacement parts arrived yesterday.  I spent some time yesterday prepping the replacement parts (cleco to matching parts, drill/deburr).  Then dimpled, prepped and primed parts for the VS skeleton (ribs, rear spar and doubler.

Early this morning I primed the mating surfaces of the VS skin.  Later, with help from Kathy, I dimpled the skin using the DRDT-2 and Cleaveland dimple dies.  Then mated the VS skeleton (starting with ribs and front spar), riveted the front spar to ribs, and clecoed this assembly to the VS skin.  Then riveted the skin to the skeleton.  After completing the internal rivets and more forward rivets to upper/lower ribs I clecoed the rear spar to the assembly, clecoed the skin to the rear spar, and completed riveting the entire VS structure.  Missed one skin rivet (I think we put in place and it fell out after we missed it and after the rear spar was riveted in place.  Did research on this and placed a blind rivet (countersunk) in its place - looks good except for mandrel hole which will get filled later and painted over.    One other error - where the two lower ribs join the front spar I was unhappy with 2 of the 3 rivets.   Drilled them out and tried again - results "OK" but I wasn't comfortable with the outcome.  So I drilled a hole between these two and placed a pop rivet.  A bit of overkill perhaps but I'm comfortable with this solution.

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