Panel is slowing coming together - I'm routing wires, installing all the boxes and panel displays, items like the standby alternator regulator, CO detector. Lots of effort to make wiring neat and protect it from possible chafing.
Installed the ELT except for the audio module which goes in the VS - I'll do that when VS is back in my shop and I can drill a couple of required holes. The DIN connector on the ELT is a bit of a pain: about two years ago I crimped female "micro molex" connectors on the wires: these are supposed to fit on the pins on the DIN connector, but I couldn't get them to fit. What does fit nicely is "high density" female d-sub pins, so I used these and very carefully assembled the DIN connector, using RTV and heat shrink to reduce risk of pulling wires loose.
Installed the ELT except for the audio module which goes in the VS - I'll do that when VS is back in my shop and I can drill a couple of required holes. The DIN connector on the ELT is a bit of a pain: about two years ago I crimped female "micro molex" connectors on the wires: these are supposed to fit on the pins on the DIN connector, but I couldn't get them to fit. What does fit nicely is "high density" female d-sub pins, so I used these and very carefully assembled the DIN connector, using RTV and heat shrink to reduce risk of pulling wires loose.
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