Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Transitioning into Phase 1 - flying for real

Since last post I've spend quite a bit of time fixing and tweaking issues found on first flight and re-checking a whole lot of stuff.  This includes fixing the trim issue by replacing the micro-molex connector in the empennage for trim with a much better Deutsch DTM connector.  This will make it a bit harder to remove elevator  but I'll figure that out when the time comes (most likely will add another connector where trim wires are currently secured with dsub pins/shrink wrap).

I also fixed issue with ADAHRS alignment (my bad - configured it wrong), re-calibrated the ADAHRS and magnetometer, and spent a lot of time checking MAP connections and possible leak sites.  Also pulled and cleaned spark plugs and checked fuel/oil fittings, wiring, etc.  Looking for any leaks, loose fittings, etc.  All look good.

I've flown twice (total 3.1 hours) since first flight, focusing mostly on getting the feel for the airplane, running the engine hard, and testing various systems in flight.  One issue that will require a future fix is the standby alternator - it correctly detects when primary is offline but voltage doesn't come up so for some reason it's not producing voltage.   I'll call B&C when I have some time to help with troubleshooting.

I noticed the right wing is heavy, also I need pretty much constant right rudder to keep the ball centered.  I noticed in level light that the right aileron is a bit higher than my original setting - I had set it using wingtip and the alignment jig, and noticed that it sat about 1/4" higher than the inboard flap.  I thought this indicated a twist in the flap but now I think the aileron was adjusted a bit too high, so I adjusted the control rod to bring it closer to the flap.  We'll see how that feels next flight.  Once I get the heavy wing issue resolved, I'll reassess the rudder and add some trim as needed (trim tab or similar).  These are normal, expected issues.

I've been using/testing autopilot - I set it up with recommended values for the -14A and it's working perfectly.   Makes it easier to evaluate issues in flight.  Will activate auto trim for the next flight.

The airplane flies very nicely and I'm surprised how fast it is with no fairings in place.  I'm seeing about 150 knots at lower altitudes so with fairings and higher up won't be surprised to see 170 knots plus - I hope.

Improved connector for trim in empennage:

Screenshot from today's flight. Autopilot doing the hard work!

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