Monday, August 13, 2018

Canopy frame mounted to fuselage

Canopy frame attached to fuselage.  A few fit issues that I'm working through:
  • I had to remove (using scotchbrite pad on angle grinder tool) a very small amount of skin near the hinges and the very center of the forward canopy to relive slight interference at front edge of canopy.  Also removed some excessive sealant from when I completed forward fuselage structure.  Fits nicely now.
  • some rubbing of pin blocks on rivets (adjusting by removing material a little at a time to clear these)
  • center of aft canopy frame where it sticks out just a bit is rubbing a bit on the way up/down.  I'll remove just a bit of material here.
  • there was slight rubbing of the aft canopy rail on the rollover bar which I adjusted already.  This required a bit of "encouragement" but once done was easy.
  • left forward corner of canopy stands slightly proud of fuselage skin.  I adjusted skin slightly here but I think I may have to use a small amount of body filler to make this seamless.  
I was very anxious about "twist" given all the emphasis on this in the canopy frame assembly instructions but I don't see any evidence of twist - the overall alignment is very good considering the complexity of assembly.   You have to be impressed with Van's overall design when two complex structures built separately line up this well.

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